New Town girls evicted after rowdy Christmas party causes floor to collapse
It was a cracking night
New Town’s most eligible bachelorettes may now be living in an Edinburgh Travelodge after 130 people turned up to their Christmas drinks, causing their floor to cave in.
On Wednesday night, the second year Art History students hosted a festive drinks party for their New Town friends. Huge amounts of booze, mince pies and pigs-in-blankets were served to the merry party guests.
The hosts
Starting at 7.30pm and intending to end in time for a trip to the Bongo Club, the hosts were unsuspecting of the Project X style happenings which would entail.
After a few hours of Yuletide bopping and mulled-wine downing, over 130 guests caused the floor of the festively decorated flat to cave in.
The guests dressed up for the occasion
The guests felt the floor start to creak beneath them just before midnight.
The damage to the flat downstairs
Isabella, one of the flat’s residents, said: “The floor fell in and pushed the beams down through the ceiling of the flat below.
“Shortly after, the police were called, the council had visited and now we‘re being evicted from the flat.”
The carnage below
Isabella, Claudia, Sophie, Ceci and Milly, the hosts of the party, managed, however, to keep their spirits up and are believed to have continued to dance the night away at nearby Garibaldi’s afterwards.
The scene of the party
Claudia, in response to their eviction, is looking into short-term accommodation options for the homeless five.
Ceci and Sophie during happier times
And it appears that staying in a Travelodge might be the most viable option for now.
Any takers?