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Take our election poll and we’ll tell you how Edi students are voting this December

Time to discover how big the rah vote really is


So the date for a general election has been set for December 12th.

It's cold, it's dark, it's grey, it's wet, it's the middle of Edinburgh University winter exams. But it's also democracy in action and the 'youth vote' is SO important for shaping the UK's future.

The Edinburgh Tab wants to know how YOU will be voting this December.

You might be swayed by who your parents have always voted for. You might feel a sudden urge to speed up Brexit or stop it all together. You might be more concerned with welfare or the economy, immigration or climate change, keeping Scotland in or getting it out of the UK.

Whatever you care about, we want to know! Fill out our Edinburgh students' voting poll below (don't worry, all votes are anonymous) and soon we will reveal all the political tea.

If you've not yet registered to vote, stop what you're doing and register now. You can vote from either your home or uni address.

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