Only 965 students have voted in the election so far

That’s a 3.7 per cent turnout

Only 965 students have cast their vote in this year’s student elections.

The polls close at 6pm today, but there’s still around a staggering 25,000 students who haven’t had their say yet.

KCLSU unveiled the disappointing figures yesterday – which include a breakdown of who gives less of shit about SU elections by subject.

Most of these 965 votes have come from students in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, who have contributed to 26.42% of the total with 255 votes.

They’re closely followed by student doctors in the School of Medical Eduction, who have cast 208 votes between them.

On the other end of the scale, KCL’s nursing and midwifery students have only submitted a pathetic 16 votes. Maybe they’ve been busy on shifts.

And unsurprisingly, the student election candidates aren’t too impressed by KCL’s serious lack of interest.

Controversial NUS delegate candidate Ryan Austin told The Tab: “This low turnout is testament to the fact that the majority of students have no regard for student politics. Such apathy was one of the main reasons I stood in these elections – to represent the majority of students that just don’t care.’

Environmental and Ethics officer candidate Alberto Torres added, ‘One of the things I have found when campaigning is that people are unaware that the elections are happening. We need a union that engages students and shows them that we can change things when we work together.’

There’s still time to vote, so if you haven’t already, you can take a look at all the candidates and make your decision here.