Looking for a new society? Here are five reasons why you should write for The King’s Tab
Come to our open meeting at 6pm on 22nd September at the Penderel’s Oak
We are always eager for fresh writers to join our ever-expanding team at The King’s Tab. The Tab already has an excellent team of passionate student journalists who are always challenging each other. You don’t have to be an experienced writer to join us, you just need to be fun and enthusiastic!
In case you have any doubts, here is a list of five reasons why you should write for The King’s Tab should show you how The Tab is so much more than just producing loads of articles.
Send us a direct message on Facebook or Instagram if you’re interested in writing for us. On Friday 22nd September at 6pm we are also holding an open meeting at the Penderel’s Oak on High Holborn, so come along to say hi and bring a friend!
1. You can write about almost anything
As students in London there’s a lot to be passionate about and you can write about pretty much anything, so long as its something King’s students would genuinely want to read.
From cool features on the latest campus fashion to breaking news of the latest UCU strikes, the more enthusiastic about a topic you are the better it will be!
2. You’ll be the frontline for breaking news to students
In The Tab’s eyes, news is more than just big headlines, its about finding stories that you’d want to tell your mates at the pub or drop into the WhatsApp chat.
Breaking stories that students actually care about is our speciality, and we’re extremely dedicated at it – we’ve had students in the past travel to all four corners of London just to get the best exclusives before anyone else.
3. You’ll be joining a national team with support from qualified journalists
The King’s Tab is part of a nationwide network of newspapers that have a very close relationship with The Tab’s national team, which is led by recently graduated qualified journalists who are always available to offer professional assistance on any projects you’re working on.
This is such a fantastic opportunity to gain individual guidance and feedback in order to improve as a writer. As many of the national writers began their careers contributing to their respective university Tab teams, they’ve been in your shoes before and know exactly how to best assist you.
4. It’s an incredible way to build up a portfolio
Covering both news and features, The King’s Tab allows you to write in a variety of styles on a variety of subjects, letting you really demonstrate your repertoire of skills.
On top of that, The Tab is a nationally recognised newspaper at the pinnacle of student journalism, with stories frequently being picked up by national newspapers like The Guardian, The Telegraph, Sky News, The Daily Mail etc. And its all available online already.
Even if a future in journalism is not for you, the experience you will gain from working as part of a professional team in a nationally renowned media outlet will be invaluable to future employers. Ex-Tab writers have gone on to get jobs in areas as varied as law, teaching, management consulting and marketing/PR.
5. It’s an opportunity to socialise with lots of interesting people
Beyond the fantastic and fun people you’ll meet as part of the writers team and editorial team, you’ll get to speak to and engage with some of the most intriguing people on campus.
Our open meeting is open to anyone interested in writing for The Tab so be sure to pop along – you don’t need any experience or ideas! We hope to see lots of you at 6pm on Friday 22nd September at the Penderel’s Oak.