Here are all the Valentine’s cards every student at King’s wants to get from their admirers
These cover every romantic scenario at King’s and you should definitely send your Valentine one
If you're hoping to send your Valentine into a frenzy of uncomfortable laughter, seduce them with memes, or hear them sigh and groan at these disgustingly accurate KCL Valentines cards, then this comprehensive collection should suffice. If you don't have (or want) a Valentine, then appreciate the irony, and send one to your closest "friend".
1. Strand Campus
2. The Underground
3. The Mascot
4. Pret
5. Waterloo?
6. The cyclist
7. Somerset House
8. The VWB
9. Guy's Bar
10. Bush House
11. The Library
12. Lecture Capture
13. Every KCL staircase, ever
14. Controversial Big Finale…
So that completes the list of King's College London Valentines! Now go make your move on that person of your dreams (or memes).