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There’s a professor at King’s called Dr. Gordon Ramsay

‘Idiot sandwich’ has just gained a whole new meaning

Although our law school is called 'The Dickson Poon School of Law', none of us were prepared for this: we actually have our very own Gordon Ramsay at King's.

Dr. Gordon Ramsay is a research fellow and deputy director at King's, conducting ground-breaking research ‘to improve evidence-informed policy and practice by facilitating mutual engagement between academic, business and policy communities around current and future policy needs in the UK and globally’ with the Policy Institute.

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Though we can safely assume Dr. Ramsay isn't too fond of the comparison to the reality TV chef, we can't help but wonder what it would be like to have the Gordon Ramsay as a professor.

And who knows – maybe we've just uncovered a Hannah Montana situation and Ramsay is really living the best of both worlds.