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Just a list of everything students are doing instead of going to uni during the strikes

‘Special shout out to the strikes at uni, god bless’

On day 2 of the UCU strikes at King's, the snow has discouraged many from appearing on the picket lines on campus, with turn out less than anticipated.

We took to social media to find out what people across the country are really doing instead of turning up on campus during strikes.

As always, The Tab King's is here to suggest ways to spend your newfound free time now you've got 14 days off.

Enjoying a long weekend away

Image may contain: Ticket, Text, Poster, Paper, Flyer, Brochure

Getting fit the fun way

Catching up on some quality televisual content

Ensuring you get that extra beauty sleep

Revelling in precious extra £1.50 bus space

Perfecting your culinary skills

Listening to Fall Out Boy & Nickelback's horrendous love child for more hours than is socially acceptable

Setting up group study sessions like #goodstudents

University Strikes ain’t stopping these guys! These English students from Sussex Uni are holding their own study group…

Posted by Alcampo Lounge on Friday, February 23, 2018

At least if you hate your uni you don't have to be there

Accepting that it doesn't make any difference because it's not like you ever go to uni anyway

Reminiscing over simpler strike days

Convincing your mum that, yes, strikes are real

Weekend detox can last more than a weekend if you try

Jesus actually provides for those who pray hard enough

So far talks have not been scheduled between the UCU and the UUK. Here are the rest of the days King's staff will be on strike until March 20th.