Fest are holding a #FindGabrielFromFest night and you can win two tickets!
Will they both be there?
You may remember our mission to unite exchange student Mary with Gabriel, the mysterious boy of her dreams. They met at in Camden, at Fest's Thursday night Magic, and now we're going to reunite them as a uni, for the sake of love.
Mary has been posting flyers all around uni looking Gabriel and has even setup an instagram account with the sole purpose of finding him. Speaking exclusively to The King's Tab, she said: "Half-way out of the club I realised I never got his last name so I ran back and asked him for his last name. In return, he said he would type his Instagram into my phone.
"I gave him my phone but the app took too long to load and his friend in the turtleneck grabbed my phone out of his hands and gave it back to me. I really had to go find my friend so I did not really have time to argue, so I left."
Will the pair be reunited at the place where they first met? Is he really as fit as she claims? Why on earth was he wearing a turtle neck on a night out? These are questions we need answering.
Magic have heard the demand to see these star-crossed lovers reunited and now we've got two FREE tickets to give away to tomorrow night's event.
Here's what you have to do:
– Share our Facebook post
– Click "going" to the Facebook event
We'll generate a random winner from all entires, which we'll announce later today.
On the night, the first 100 in receive a free glass of bubbly (oooh), there's loads of inflatables, a ball pit room, confetti and £2.50 drinks.
We'll announce the winners on our Facebook page, keep an eye out for our Instagram too!
For those who don't win, tickets can be bought here.