UPDATE: Guy’s campus on lockdown following London Bridge incident
King’s have advised students not to travel
Following the incident at London Bridge Guy's Campus has been put on temporary lock down.
The King's Tab talked a student Izzi Johnson who studies physiotherapy at Guy's campus and was there when the incident took place.
She said: "They are encouraging us to stay inside.
"You aren’t allowed to exit the normal route by the Shed which is closest to London Bridge station."
Another student, Emily Thomas, was also at Guy's Campus at the time.
She said: "It’s quite serious there are helicopters and police everywhere. There are police on loads of streets stopping people getting anywhere."
Temi, who studies neuroscience at Guy's is on campus right now.
She said: "They wouldn’t let any of us out of the building and locked stopped the revolving doors.
"It was crazy because activity seemed so normal yet they were locking down this building, not letting anyone out of New Hunt House Library.
"They’re still not letting us out of the building”
King's, via Twitter, made a statement advising students not travel around this area at this time.
It said:"Following a police incident on London Bridge, Guy's Campus has been temporarily locked down. Staff and students are advised not to travel to the area at this time."
The King's Tab have been told that students who live in Orchard Isle and Iris Brook accommodation are also on lock down and are not permitted to leave at this time
Both of these accommodations are located on Guy's campus.
Students at Orchard and Isle told The Tab King's: the "doors downstairs are closed. We can't get out at the moment."
Strand and Waterloo campuses are currently unaffected by this incident.
This is a breaking news story. We will update as we learn more.
Are you a King's student affected by this story? Are you on Guy's campus? DM The King's Tab Instagram or Facebook with any information.
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