All the ways King’s students can support the strike action
Here’s how you can show solidarity with your lecturers
King’s College London is one of the 58 universities going on strike from December 1st to 3rd. A statement released by the UCU highlighted that staff pay has been reduced by 20% after 12 years of below-inflation pay offers, and many staff suffer from work-related stress crises. At King’s, the three-day walkout is over both pension cuts and overpay and working conditions.
Here are all the ways King’s students can show solidarity with their lecturers, and support the strike action:
Join a picket line (virtually or in-person)
Across the three days of strike action, the KCL UCU is holding teach-outs at Strand Campus. Staff and lecturers will be on the picket line, and teach-out activities include rallies, open-mics, film screenings, and talks. Teach-outs begin at 9:30 am, and end between 1:30 to 5:30 pm each day of the strike. Joining the picket line is the best way to better understand the strike and the demands of the UCU.
More details are available on the KCL UCU Twitter and Instagram.
Sign the NUS petition in solidarity with UCU demands.
This National Union of Students (NUS) strike letter petition has been created on behalf of students who wish to support striking staff. The petition calls for fair pay and enhanced working conditions for university staff and lecturers, as well as demanding pay parity for women and POC staff.
More details about the NUS petition can be found here.
Email President and Principal Professor Shitij Kapur, and the KCLSU.
Students can also support the strike action by emailing both the KCLSU and President and Principal Professor Shiitj Kapur, saying that you support lecturers’ demands for fairer working conditions, reversal of pay and pension conditions, a halt of pension cuts, and a democratic university. Students can also ask the students union to collectively ask for better treatment of lecturers and staff.
The KCLSU are always open to emails from students at [email protected], and Professor Shitik Kapur can be reached at shitij[email protected].
Sign a petition to ensure the KCL Council is democratic.
The KCL is Democratic petition seeks to ensure that the yet un-elected KCL Council, one of the governing bodies of the university, is democratic. This body is usually self-appointed by the existing council, but this petition wishes to change this. It calls for a majority of members of the KCL Council to instead be elected by students and staff, ensuring a democratic process of governance.
More details about the KCL is Democratic petition can be found here.
Related stories recommended by this writer:
• King’s College London to face three days of strike during December
• Don’t blame your lecturers for striking. Blame uni management for giving them no choice
• Direct your anger at the people in charge, UCU boss tells students ahead of new vote on strikes