Cheer up: Lancaster rate ourselves as grumpy and ugly

Why don’t we love ourselves

A recent survey by Student Money Saver showed some unexpected results for Lancaster.

Out of the students asked, Lancaster University was only rated 3.6 out of five for having the nicest students, falling well below the near 4 of both York and UCUM.

Not being big headed or realistic? We only gave ourselves a 2.5 for self beauty and a 3.1 when asked if we were cleverer than the average.

But don’t feel too bad about it. Not even big-headed Oxford or Cambridge topped the graph, falling behind the Institute of Education (they gave themselves five out of five).

2.5 out of five? Up to you to decide

27 per cent of mischevious Lancaster students also admitted they planned to set off the fire alarms in halls, compared to zero per cent at glum Oxford (or maybe they’re just better at cooking than us).

Red is definitely an attractive color.

Have you ever been sick in someone’s house and not cleaned up? You’re not alone, 18 per cent of us claimed to have done it at least once.

But then again, it’s nothing compared to the 57 per cent of Oxford, Gross.