When did you last have sex and how was it?

You shouldn’t be afraid to talk about sex

You can go to your lectures (or not) and your societies and clubs (or not) but there’s another crucial part of life that becomes available to most once starting university: sex.

In a recent survey among unis by lifestyle website Hexjam, ‘The University Sex League 2015’, Lancaster University ranked 60th in sexual partners, averaging four per student on campus. Some of you opened up about your last sexual encounter: when it was and what you would rate it out of 10.

Vlad, 20

He said: “This morning, 6/10, it was ‘sleepy sex’.” So the one where you want it but you cba.

Millie, 18

 She said: “It was three months ago, 8/10, it was in the shower.” Ooo… Steamy.

Clément, 19

 He said: “It was one month ago, 7/10, it was drunk sex.” There’s always one ayy.

Mel, 20

 She said: ‘It was late last night, 9/10, he had nice stubble.’

Luke, 19

 He said: “It was last night, 5/10, it was good but not quite Carling.”Ouch…

Ella, 19

 She said: “It was three months ago, 7/10, we were ‘friends with benefits’.”The bae of a different kind.

Abi, 19

 One month and a half ago, 4/10, BBC iPlayer and chill

Mark, 19

Two weeks ago, 6.5/10. He said: “It was an 8 until she bit my neck.”