A selection of the worst ‘Lancfessions’ that will make you lose faith in your fellow Lancs students
We now have written proof that Lancaster students are a little too frisky for their own good.
You would have to have been living under a rock to have missed some of the horrendous yet fascinating content emerging from new kid on the block, the group 'Lancfessions,' in the past few months. You can check out more at their Facebook page: (wouldn't let me input the link to the page)
We've selected some of the best (and by best we mean the most toe-curlingly disturbing that we could find) for your reading pleasure. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the cringe-fest!
The thirstiest:
1. A situation that would have been difficult to wriggle out of.
2. Because there's nothing like the masses of questionable hair and puddles of unknown liquids on the floor to get you in the mood. Thank Gosh for the uni cleaners and their magic trollies x
3. There's truly nothing more horrendous than overhearing a friend and never being able to look at them the same way again.
4. A different type of thirsty, we'll be sticking to the VK's thanks x
5. And then there's the sad reality for a lot of Lancs students…
6. Nothing like a bit of public thirstiness, but 100% of the shots you don't take don't go in x
7. Clearly not everyone is so impressed, we couldn't have put it better ourselves. Sounds like the entire campus needs to be thoroughly disinfected
The realist:
1. "I'm going to make it to every single lecture this term and start all my assignments early" says every student ever. Why do the hard work today when you put it all off until tomorrow?
2. Forget one night stands and mad nights out, the only true thrill is having a friend from home staying in your little box room on a blow up bed, unbeknownst to the porters.
3. We won't tell anyone if you don't x
The craziest:
1. As much as we would like to believe that some 'mega lad' lancs student got frisky on the roof of the Great Hall, we know better. Nice try though!
It seems like we weren't the only ones who cottoned on to the over-exaggerations and little white lies. Real or not, Lancfessions proves that either Lancs students lead mad, raunchy lives, or at the very least have extremely dirty imaginations.
Make sure to keep up to date with Lancfessions via their Facebook page, where you can find information on how to submit your own confessions and keep up to date with the latest grim confessions from other students.