LA1TV target VP Activities Ben Evans in his place of work
This confrontation follows a vote of no confidence
After it was revealed that there was a vote of no confidence lodged against the Vice President for Activities, Ben Evans annouced he was taking temporary leave as VP, claiming he felt "unsafe".
Evans had earlier stated "I have gone from being in a role that I love and was so excited to do to finding myself being fearful for my own safety and well being. I have never felt so uncomfortable to just be myself as a person, in and outside of the office."
Hours later, LA1TV released a video to their facebook titles "An Attemped Interview" in which they try to confront Ben Evans about his inactivity claiming they "tried to get a comment from VP Activities Ben Evans, on why he has been refusing to comment or engage with Student Media and the wider student population".
In the video an unknown male voice asks "Are you going to respond to SCAN's request for a comment?" and "Are you trying to avoid resposibility Mr. Evans?" whilst you can auidibly hear the camera operator laugh. The 25 second video is only ended when George Nuttall intervenes, asking for them to"leave him alone in his place of work".
When asked who was involved in the video, one of the members of the exec for LA1TV claimed they "had all been sworn to confidentiality" at the given time, therefore couldn't identify who was asking the questions.
The student who originally put forward the Vote of No Confidence, Atree Ghosh has expressed regret for the way the VP of Activities has been treated, saying "I'm so sorry for the way the whole thing was carried out, and it was never meant to be an issue of abusing the VP Activities in anyway, it was just a case of checking in his accountability […] Ben I apologise on behalf of anyone that has used the petition as an excuse to verbally abuse or threaten you in anyway, this was never my intention." He specifically references the video, claiming that LA1TV had overstepped "the mark by a few miles."
LA1TV have been contacted for a statement.