A flat of County students have been recommending sex positions every week through post it notes
Spice up your life, I guess
A flat of students in County college have started posting sex positions of the week in post-it notes on their halls flat window, and it’s the best thing Lancs has seen in weeks.
Some of these positions we had never heard of, but after a quick Google, it would seem some of these claim to be the 'best sex positions ever'. We talked to the Lancs sexperts about what inspired them to start this weird new trend, and most importantly, why?
What inspired you to come up with your sex positions series?
We had noticed quite a few windows around County College that people had been making joke-y messages and we had already a few before this (“rise n shine” which got quite a few weird looks and “find the clit” after one of the flatmates was having a rant about boys), but we wanted a running theme with things. So one of my flatmates Isaac Griffiths came in whilst we were discussing it and said “why don’t we do a sex position of the week?”. Immediately, everyone was sold on the idea and on that Sunday we did the first one, “the purring kitty”. At the time we thought the porters were going to be mad but we thought it would be funny to see how long it lasted before we got complaints. Somehow we never did!
Which sex positions have you done so far and how many in total?
We’ve done it for four weeks now, starting with the “purring kitty”, then the “g-whiz”, then the “corkscrew”; we had “discharge” on last week and we’re currently in the midst of changing this weeks, had a busy week so we haven’t been on schedule sadly . Savannah Knowles is the one who chooses all the names from a list of ones she found online.
Have you had a good reception?
We have! I haven’t been directly told by anyone, mainly because I don’t think many people in my course are in County, but another one of our flatmates Abby has been told by a few people that they love the idea! She has someone in one of her seminars who asks her about every one every week. I’ve also heard from a few people that we’ve been on public snapchat stories. I think we’re getting quite the rep.
Do you ever worry about running out of positions or are you just going to go more and more obscure?
Luckily in this day and age of people wanting to spice up their life I don’t think we’ll run out soon. We’ve seen a few different lists of thirty, forty, fifty positions you can try out and a lot of them have killer names so we’re excited to keep going!
How many of you are there in your flat, what are you names and do you have a pic of you all together?
There’s 10 of us in the flat, but in terms of people who contribute it is: Joshua Quinn (me), Savannah Knowles, Abby Buckingham, Isaac Griffiths, Jess Plant and Jamie Duxbury.
We can't wait to see the future positions of the week!