Every struggle you’ll only know if you’re a Lancaster University student
Vote of no confidence against iLancaster
Uni is a struggle for anyone, but there are certain struggles you'll only know if you go to Lancaster University. From the painful experience of iLancaster, to the 100 bus we've got you covered. You're not alone.
Trying to make it to that nine am
It's a new year, you open up your timetable and there it is. You have a nine am on a Monday, Thursday AND Friday.
Yes, it's a struggle to get up, especially if you live in town. Nine ams aren't so bad if you're on campus 'cos you can just roll out of bed and onto the spine – but it is a Bear Grylls mission if you're in town. Trying to make Common Garden St for half eight? No chance.
Whilst this doesn't stop anyone from going to Sugar Wednesdays, you soon find yourself attending more Skint Mondays than before since you get a lie-in on Tuesdays. That's a struggle.
Check-in on iLancaster
Honestly, why haven't we made a vote of no confidence against iLancaster yet?
The experience of check-in is less of a struggle and more of a nightmare. You've spent forty minutes of your lecture to try and prove to iLancaster that you are in fact sat in the middle of the Elizabeth Livingstone lecture theatre, and it is having none of it.
You leave learning nothing, but with a notification reminding you 'Don't forget to check in'. There was no point going, you could have stayed at home. You actually attended a lecture and have NOTHING to show for it.
Making it from one end of campus to the other within 10 minutes between lectures
Have a one pm in County Main followed by a two pm in George Fox? It's fine, we have a 10 minute crossover time. No problemo.
You spend the 10 minute window pushing past slow walkers on the spine and trying to avoid Mint promoters in the centre of Alex square. RIP honestly.
Duckling season is months away

Sad reaccs only 🙁
The only thing to remind you that maybe its not so bad, and yet you're waiting for duckling season to begin just in case you see one near the LICA building. A struggle.
The 100 taking years to get anywhere
You've jumped on because you're bored of waiting in the cold and regret it instantly. You try and find joy in the bargain booze in Hala but it just doesn't do enough to change your mind.
You think of all the good times you had on the 1A, and wonder why you did this to yourself. But you did this, you have nobody else to blame.
Accidentally getting on the 100 instead of the 1
"Accidentally," because you would NEVER do that intentionally. You're turning up at least 10 minutes late and will probably never make it home. So long friend.
When you live between town and uni and all the buses go straight past you because they're full at 10am
Your estate agent never told you this would be a problem and yet when you see all the smug faces of people who live in town, it's the biggest problem you've ever encountered.
Yes you might have a nice little house in Bowerham, but you'll never get the bus.
Living in Cartmel/Lonsdale
Ever thought of living in the middle of nowhere, just to have a fancy kitchen? Yep, that's Alex Park.
It's a good 15 minute walk from Cartmel to County, but if you're running a bit late you could probably take the bus. But also you did this to yourself.
Forgetting that Sultans is cash-only
On a late night or in the early hours, Sultans is always there to feed you. However, the bliss is surely fractured when you realise you've forgotten your change.
With the College bars, and now even Pizzetta, going cashless, it's easy to forget that Sultans is an exception to the rule.
If you're unfortunate enough to be caught out, due to renovation works you now have to walk up the hill of death to Alex Sq to try and find a working ATM. So a journey that would normally take two minutes, now takes about seven. Sad reacts ONLY.
The queue outside Greggs
You've paused your study sesh in the library to get the festive bake. After crawling out of C floor and into alex square, you see the queue and that's it. It's all over. It's not called the most profitable Greggs in the UK for no reason.
Ducks attacking you for your Greggs in Alex Square
Those bright yellow "DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS" signs don't stop them from trying to steal our sausage rolls. Betrayal.
Finding a place in the Library
Did you know that the current library construction has temporarily reduced the number of seats? So now your chances of finding a space in the library are considerably less likely.
And when you finally find a seat, there's a little note saying 'will try and be back in one hour to reclaim this space.' WHY?!