Image may contain: Coat, Teen, Selfie, Girl, Dimples, Photo, Portrait, Photography, Laughing, Woman, Female, Clothing, Apparel, Smile, Person, Face, Human

Lancaster’s Hottest Single 2019: The semi-final

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As we know, Lancaster is full of many beautiful people. It is difficult to narrow it down to so few. Here's the moment you've all been waiting for, the heats have been narrowed down and we've made it to the semi-final!

There people are the hottest of the hot, the creme de la creme and here we are bringing them to you. Don't say we don't spoil you! If you've somehow not been here before, here is how it works.

Simply have a read of the article, check the lovely singles out, see what they have to say and choose who you would like to make it to the finals. We know you're spoilt for choice but we want to narrow these lovelies down to the final two hottest singles!!

Georgia Kwan

Georgia is a third year Physical Geography student, her Instagram is @georgiakwann.

Image may contain: Cardigan, Girl, Woman, Accessory, Accessories, Glasses, Smile, Portrait, Photography, Photo, Vehicle, Transportation, Jacket, Coat, Sweater, Female, Face, Person, Human, Clothing, Apparel

When we asked Georgia how she feels about making the semi-finals she said: "My reaction is the same as the outcome for the Sugarhouse referendum, pleased but not surprised… (joking obviously)".

Secondly we asked why people should vote for her: "People should vote for me because I've spent many hourse looking after a lot of yous at sugar and this may make up for paying for a geography degree…"

Llew Charles

Llew is a fourth year Law student, his instagram is @llew_ch97.

When asked his best chat up line, Llew responded: " I'm a simple man so no rehearsed lines, I like to hit them with a 'Howdy' and ten serenade them with my trademark Tom Jones karaoke". Wow, we stan a classy man.

We also asked why people should vote for him, to which he said: "People should vote for me because I'll be really sad if they don't and I don't want to be sad again. Not at Christmas" We apologise that it is no longer Christmas.

KC Dymond

KC is a third year Philosophy student, her instagram is @kcdymond.

Image may contain: Hair, Selfie, Woman, Girl, Electronics, Display, Monitor, Screen, Photo, Portrait, Photography, Apparel, Clothing, Female, Smile, Face, Human, Person

When asked her best chatup line, KC said:

"Me: Have you rdropped something?

Them: what have I dropped?

Me: Your standards. Hi, I'm KC."

We also asked KC why she is Lancaster's Hottest Single, she kept is short and sweet and simply said: "I'm not." Humble, could we prove this wrong?

Eleanor Van Biljon

Eleanor is a second year Politics and IR student, her instagram is @evbilj.

When asked her best chat up line, Eleanor kept it short and sweet: " Ya like jazz?".

When asked why people should vote for her, she responded: "Because 2019 was a year of suck so I deserve an ego boost." Are you going to give Eleanor a banging kick off to 2020?

Anna Curragh

Anna is a second year medic, her instagram is @annacurragh.

When asked her best chat up line, Anna responded: "Are you my appendix? I have a gut feeling I should take you out." Course relevant, we like it.

When asked about how she felt about making it to the semi-finals, Anna responded: "Half as good as I will feel when I make it to the final." Will we see Anna in the next round?

Get voting!!

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