Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Flooring, City, Town, Urban, Architecture, Building, Banister, Handrail, Pedestrian, Person, Human

Edward Roberts Court is finally accessible

At last, a quick route to Sultans

After a long few months of long walks down to Furness in order to get to some of the main food outlets on campus, including Sultans, Go Burrito and Wok Inn, Edwards Roberts Court is finally accessible.

Although the construction is yet to be entirely complete, the main steps of the remodelled Court are open, allowing easier access to the lower level.

Image may contain: Downtown, City, Town, Urban, Architecture, Building

Originally due to be completed in November of last year, it would seem that finally the end is in sight. The latest update on the University website claims that the construction will finally come to a head at the end of January.

The website also states that: "Upon opening the court, some minor snagging work will be under taken in localised areas. These works will not disrupt pedestrian routes but may restrict footpaths/ramps in locations. Intermittent noise disruption to the surrounding area is likely. This work may continue into February.

"An opening event is being planned and the date of 25th February has been confirmed. More details will be issued via the staff intranet and student portal as they become clear."

Image may contain: Asphalt, Tarmac, Scenery, Housing, Shelter, Rural, Countryside, Tower, Building, Clock Tower, Architecture, Road, Landscape, Outdoors, Nature, Human, Person

There is still construction going on

So, although there is a little way to go yet with the renovations, the diversion struggles are over.