Undergraduate exams to be cancelled in summer term ‘wherever possible’
Changes to assessment are dependent on course
Today, a message from Interim Vice-Chancellor Professor Steve Bradley was sent out to inform Lancaster students about the arrangements for the summer examinations. This comes as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic restricting the uni from progressing as normal in the summer term.
This email has been long awaited, as students have been in the dark about upcoming assessments, how they will be arranged and whether or not they will be cancelled. Lancaster students recently started a petition for the University to implement a no-detriment policy, urging the University to consider the pandemic in regards to any upcoming assessment.
The email from Steve Bradley states: “As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, we are having to make changes to summer assessments.
“We know what a difficult time this is for you, and so the new arrangements are designed to minimise anxiety for students. We are also making sure we protect the quality of your degrees, and that we give you the best opportunity to complete your studies within the normal time-frame.
“With those aims in mind, our approach is that as many students as possible will graduate or progress to the next year without undertaking examinations originally scheduled for April-June 2020.”
The Uni has arranged for most undergraduate exams to be cancelled with a few exceptions were necessary. The email continued to state: “We have arranged that: Undergraduate students, including those in their final year, will complete the year without requiring summer examinations wherever possible. Exceptions will be necessary in some cases, such as when required by professional or regulatory bodies in particular disciplines, and your department will provide details in these cases.
“Postgraduate taught assessments will be minimised in the Summer Term, with specific arrangements made at departmental level. All dissertations will take place online.”
The email continued to inform students that, “For all students we will also use our existing extenuating circumstances regulations to ensure you are not disadvantaged.
“A new FAQ page is now available that offers more detail about the arrangements, and your department will be in touch with you to explain how they are being applied to your specific programme.
“Please also be aware that while we are planning to award 2020 degrees according to the same timescales as previous years, we will postpone the official summer undergraduate ceremonies until December 2020.
“This will give both undergraduate and postgraduate students the opportunity to reunite with fellow students in December and enjoy a traditional graduation ceremony. More information is available on the Graduation webpages.
“For now, though, I hope you are safe and well, and that the new arrangements being put in place offer you some reassurance at this difficult time.”
Each department will be emailing students separately to inform them specifically how their exams will be arranged.