These are the best Lancaster Youtubers you need to watch during lockdown
Honestly, I could watch these hours on end
What else is there to do in lockdown other than binge watch Netflix, complain about online lectures and fight with your siblings? But when you have inevitably finished the final episode Tiger King, skipped all your online lectures and ran out of ways to insult your sister, what is there left to do, really?
Well, the Lancs Tab have compiled a list of Lancs Youtubers and after spending a whole day binge watching Youtube videos, here is a ranked list of the best Lancs Youtube channels you need to watch during quarantine. Because let’s face it, we all have nothing better to do.
6. Hannah Jade
At number six we have Hannah Jade who posts cover songs. On her channel she has covered “When I was your man” by Bruno Mars and “Lay me down” by Sam Smith, very Sugar on a Sunday vibes. She has also posted a video of a re-write of Lukas Graham’s “7 years” where she has changed the lyrics. Very personal and creative. She has a lovely voice, would recommend a watch.
5. Matt in Hong Kong
Next, we have Matt in Hong Kong, who posts short films which have been shot in places around Lancaster. So if you are missing Lancs, the nostalgia will kick in as you will see Lancs’ campus feature in the videos. We applaud you for your time and effort to script, act and film these short films. Definitely a watch while in lockdown as the short film “The Mission” focuses on the Coronavirus outbreak and staying safe, very topical. There is music and sound effects and everything. A cool watch.
4. Luke Smith
Next on the list we have Luke Smith, who has just started out on Youtube. Love the artwork in his profile, it’s obvious he’s spent a lot of time on this. He has one original song called “Coffee cup”, plays guitar and has a great voice. He said himself that he doesn’t care what others think and is doing Youtube for himself, which is fab. From his videos he seems a nice guy and is rocking his Lancaster Uni hoodie. If you don’t own the hoodie, do you really go to the uni?
He has a few videos on his channel, ranging from singing, to baking to Q&As… So if you want to find out more, give them a watch. Also, fun fact, Luke was named after Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek, make of that as you will. Luke has goals and ambitions for his channel, promising to give away gift cards when hitting each landmark number of subscribers. He currently has 154 subscribers and wants to get to 200-500 subscribers this year, big goals and big dreams.
3. Frodo Stickit
Okay, now we have hit the top three. So coming in at third place is the channel Frodo Stickit. With 670 subscribers, this channel has a range of different content, from drunk impressions, trying to stay motivated and yearly recaps. One of his impressions included a scouse Darth Vader and honestly, it was amazing. In light of relatable content, this channel doesn’t disappoint. With the video titled “So my life is a mess”, Frodo’s relatable title had us sold. He also has a stash of alcohol bottles lined up on his back wall, now if that doesn’t scream university student, what will? Truly iconic.
An honourable mention goes to the video on Frodo’s channel titled “So I catfished myself?” While messaging a girl he matched with on Tinder, who had appalling grammar, he became suspicious when she started bringing up money. All in all, it was a scam. But it was hilarious to see it unfold. Very funny. Would recommend.
2. The Beta Males
In second place we have The Beta Males. LOVE the name, great play on words. This channel only has 33 subscribers and one video, but makes second place on this list as it is the most relevant to Lancs uni. The video is called “Are You Smarter Than A 10 Year Old? Lancaster Students Vs Locals.” While interacting with students on campus and locals in town, strangers are asked a series of general knowledge questions. You can play along too. So, if you want to know if Lancs students can guess who is on the back of a £10 note, name all the world’s oceans and guess how many sides there are on a 50p coin, then check it out.
1. Rachel Lord
The number one Lancs Youtuber on this list is none other than Rachel Lord. With 1.05k subscribers, she has the largest following out of everyone on this list. Her videos revolve around mental health, travel, uni and music. A lot of her videos are very personal, as she discusses matters that are about her daily struggles with OCD and depression. I love how brave and honest and genuine she is about talking so openly about these topics to raise awareness about the reality of living with these struggles. She has a great upbeat personality and honestly we could listen to her for hours on end. She also posts vlogs such as going to L.A. and Disneyland, which is a big flex.
So if you are a Lancs uni student bored out of your mind in lockdown, definitely check out all the Youtube channels listed above. From music covers, to comedy, to mental health, to vlogs, they have you covered.
Do you consider yourself one of Lancaster’s greatest Tik Tok stars? Link us with your profile through Instagram to be featured in an article!