Halloween costumes inspired by the horror show that is 2020
RIP to the hopes that anything good will happen in this cursed year
In the words of Netflix’s new spooky comedy, Hubie Halloween: “Halloween is upon us!” and with current restrictions basically meaning that we’ll all be getting dressed up to have a few drinks in our living rooms, it looks like it’s going to be a different Halloween than ever before.
Although Lancs students will be in Tier Three this year, that doesn’t mean that they can’t dress up. If anything, this is the opportunity to try-out your wackiest, most unusual, most unique Halloween costumes of all because if nobody’s ever going to see them there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
So, whether you’ll be dressing up and drinking, or just bulk-buying Halloween sweets to see you through the next phase of lockdown, here are the best Halloween costumes based on the horror show that has been 2020.
A duck
Credit @lancasterducksdaily on Instagram
If you want to add a Lancs twist to this year’s costume, you can’t go wrong with a campus duck. Could even head over to the LICA building to try and blend in with the other ducks. Your luck might turn, and people could start feeding you their scraps from Greggs. What a treat.
So there you have it. It isn’t a conclusive list, but it is very 2020.
What’s that? Tier Three lockdown? Ah… Halloween’s cancelled. Classic 2020.
Credit @eaglecommcu on Instagram
Let’s just get it out of the way now, if you want to dress up as a killer disease then go for it but is it really the way to go? Really? At best it’s… predictable, at worst it’s really offensive. So maybe go for another one on the list? It’s scary, but maybe don’t go for this one?
Corona Beer
Credit @ideasgraficascol on Instagram
This is slightly better? It’s an easier one that you and your housemates can get together and wear, although if you do this costume then you’re worse than the people who order “A Corona, hold the virus” at the bar.
Joe Exotic or Carol Baskin
Credit @thatbitch.carolebaskin on Instagram
This would be a creative couple’s costume, but mostly we’re amazed that this actually came out this year. Tiger King was released in 2020. How? Where did this time go? Who knows… Bonus points if you bring a cuddly toy tiger or make a TikTok whilst wearing the costumes though.
Joe from You
Credit @younetflix on Instagram
Joe is a strange, dangerous, and insane creature – much like 2020, if we’re being honest, right? There’s not much else to say about Joe Goldberg, other than the fact that if you want a quick costume then he would be ideal. Though be careful, if you’re really like Joe and you put a baseball cap on then nobody will know who you are…
The Umbrella Academy
Credit @umbrellaacad on Instagram
They’re all iconic individually (looking at you, Klaus) but as a group outfit, this would be game-changing. There may have to be some arguments over who gets to be Klaus and who’s stuck with Luther, but that’s inevitable. If you’re trapped in a townhouse you could even have Pogo, The Handler, Lila, Cha Cha, Hazel and Sir Reginald Hargreaves. The list goes on, and The Umbrella Academy went down a storm this year – very 2020 indeed.
Animal Crossing villager
Credit @slowtownwisp on Instagram
Remember when everyone spent like two months on this to forget about the chaos in the real world, then instantly forgot about it as soon as lockdown ended? Timmy and Tommy anyone? You could even dress as your own character and carry a net around to chase butterflies all night if that’s what you’re into
Among Us astronaut
Credit @among.us.memes.v1 on Instagram
This game has become the new Animal Crossing for a second lockdown. Sure, the costume’s a bit more tricky and will take some effort but what better way to procrastinate instead of doing coursework? You could even customise it with a little hat, face mask or a sheet to turn yourself into a ghost in case the imposter gets you. Although, this outfit would be a bit… sus.
Credit @everything.is.cake on Instagram
You don’t even have to dress up when anyone asks what you are, just say cake, they won’t be able to tell. Maybe even just bring a slice of cake around with you or have a go at making a cake that looks like literally anything but cake? Or, just to mess with people, bring a fake cake with you that is actually a sandwich or a piece of cardboard. At the end of the day, everything is cake.
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