A cinema run by students for students: An interview with Take 2 Cinema
‘The oldest society at Lancaster University’
Societies throughout Lancaster University have been hit hard by the pandemic. Cinemas across the country have been closed due to COVID-19, which is exactly what has happened to Lancaster’s own Take 2 Cinema. But that doesn’t mean that they’re not engaging with students. Take 2 Cinema are still present online, interacting with prospective members, and planning for the future.
Before lockdown, Take 2 Cinema was known for showing a range of new releases and classic films, offered to students at unbeatable prices. Due to the lockdown, they’ve had to develop what they offer as a society, in order to provide students with the same society experience that was available beforehand. Take 2 Cinema remains a society that is run by students, for students, and The Lancaster Tab had a conversation with them in which they told us how they’ve developed in lockdown, for those out there who want to get involved.
“Running mini-quizzes weekly based on a variety of film genres”
Now that we’re in another lockdown, all universities have been moved online. For Lancs Uni societies, this has meant there’s a significant importance in having a presence on social media. Take 2 Cinema told us that they’re remaining involved with society life as they’re “still on social media, running mini-quizzes weekly based on a variety of film genres and favourite directors.”
Additionally, they are “currently in the process of recording podcasts and writing film-related newsletters”, to ensure students still have access to new content and have opportunities to contribute to the society.
Quizzes range from Marvel movie tournaments to James Cameron film trivia, showing interest in all scopes of cinema. Their social media presence is also aimed towards students by posting fun film facts, lockdown film recommendations and film reviews.
Despite not being able to run in person at the moment, they have plans for the future and told us that they “will also be holding fundraising events in the summer term for a charity called Medicinema“, reminding us that this lockdown isn’t a permanent situation and there are opportunities for in-person activities as the year develops. So, if you’re in your first years at Lancaster, this society could be perfect for you if you’re looking to build up your film knowledge before enjoying what the society provides in person.
“Plan on running socials and marathons with fancy dress themes”
Take 2 Cinema has a lot planned in terms of growth and the future of the society as the lockdown comes to an end. They have told us that they, “plan on running socials and marathons with fancy dress themes”, and will support campus businesses by “working with Sultans to provide food during marathons”, which is a perfect night out for those who would prefer a quiet night in to going to the club. Plus, who doesn’t love a Sultans?
They also have plans to run special events for new cinema releases, which will bring back some good memories of a world before lockdown, and for seasonal occasions such as Halloween and Christmas to get students into the festive spirit.
They’re also in the planning process of “Tarantino Tuesdays”, in which there will be a Quentin Tarantino film shown every Tuesday which should get some adrenaline pumping in a world where there’s nothing very exciting to do. Take 2 Cinema is clearly a society that understands what students want to see.
“No membership fee- just watch free films!”
As all cinemas in the lockdown are suffering, Take 2 Cinema is struggling with not being able to access new members, saying that they, “hope to gain more once we can reopen”.
Take 2 Cinema focuses on being a friendly, “informal environment”, that’s welcoming to newcomers. It’s a space to make new friends, that allows for flexibility if you have a busy timetable, there’s no pressure to constantly contribute if you have a heavy workload.
They told us that there’s also a lot of room for growth in the society, with a variety of positions available, allowing students to develop skills that can be applicable on the outside world. To top it all off, they said: “No membership fee- just watch free films!” If you join the society you have access to free film showings, which, as a student, is something that can’t be turned down.
“Over the next few years we hope to be more independent”
The university itself is a key part of Take 2 Cinema with the university allowing them to use Bowland Main lecture theatre as a showing screen, so for those on campus, it’s only a short walk away at all times. With this comes readily available financial support and maintenance, provided by the university, meaning the society continues to stay afloat.
They told us that as the society develops they hope to become a more independent society. They said: “Over the next few years we hope to be more independent, allowing us to be more flexible with our film showings.” This will allow a bigger focus on being available to as many students as possible.
Take 2 Cinema is open to all online, with quizzes available on their various social medias, and they encourage as many students to get involved after lockdown when in person events can take place once again.
If you are thinking of getting involved with Take 2 Cinema, you can contact them via Instagram and Facebook.
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