Lancaster UCU announces new strike dates for February and March
‘It’s disappointing to see UUK rush to pour cold water on UCU’s considered USS proposals’
The Lancaster UCU has recently announced a new set of dates during which university staff can join them in striking.
Lancaster UCU took to their Twitter to confirm that their strikes this term will be taking place 14 to 18 Feb, 21 & 22 Feb, 28 Feb, 1 & 2 March.

via @LancasterUCU on Twitter
There will also be a General Meeting taking place on Wednesday 3rd of February which Union members have been asked to join.
The UCU official Twitter page announced yesterday that the strikes will be continuing until employers “drop their pension cuts & take long-overdue action on pay & conditions”.
Earlier this week, the UCU submitted a set of new USS pension proposals to Universities UK “aimed at averting widespread industrial action across UK campuses in February and beyond.”
“The new proposals, which the union says offer a ‘way out’ of disruptive industrial action in February, would see retirement benefits protected in return for a small increase in contributions for both members and employers ahead of a new ‘evidence-based valuation’ of the scheme.”
However, according to the UCU Twitter, UUK responded that their proposals did not seem “serious”, and so the strike action is due to go ahead.
Jo Grady, UCU General Secretary, responded saying: “It’s disappointing to see UUK rush to pour cold water on UCU’s considered USS proposals, which are affordable for employers, protect the benefits of the USS scheme members, and can help avert industrial action over pensions.
“The alternative is widespread industrial action and the imposition of devastating pension cuts that are neither necessary nor equitable. Should we end up at that point, both staff and students will hold the leaders of our universities responsible.”

via @before_profit on Twitter
Lancashire Solidarity News People B4 Profit quoted the Lancaster UCU’s tweet, announcing their solidarity with the Lancaster Union and the UCLancs Union.
The tweet also announced that the UCU strikes will be joined by a student strike taking place on March 2nd, organised by the National Union of Students, advocating for students’ rights alongside staff rights.
NUS UK President, Larissa Kennedy, released a statement, saying: “As students, we are acutely aware that staff working conditions are our learning conditions.
“We will continue to stand with staff with their struggles because nothing about this broken system is inevitable. At NUS, we’re calling on students to walk out of the education that doesn’t work for any of us on March 2, and come together to reimagine a new vision for education.”
More information on the student strike can be found here.