Lancaster University Society Awards 2022 winners

From ‘event of the year’ to ‘sustainability’: here are your 2022 winners

Tonight, for the first time, Lancaster University Students’ Union held the society awards.

The awards were aimed at societies who go over and above, and students could nominate societies for a variety of categories.

When the nominations window closed, the societies that made the shortlist and attended tonight’s event, were announced (a complete list of the nominations can be found here).

Tonight’s event saw the announcement of the overall winner of each category.

The results are as follows:

Event of the year: Diwali Ball (@nhsflancaster, @luindiansociety, @lutamilsoc)

Small Society of the year: Taiwanese Soc

Best Collaborative event: Murder mystery night (@adsoc_lu, LURPS, @lufashionsoc)

Fundraising and Volunteering: Defying Dementia (@defyingdementialu)

Recreational Sport Award: BJJ (@lu_brazilianjiujitsu)

Academic Soc of the year: Economics (@lueconomicssociety)

Cultural and Faith Soc of the year: Sikh (@lancaster_sikhsoc)

Committee of the year: SwiftSoc (@luswiftsoc)

Equality & Diversity: Pro-Wrestling (@lupw_soc)

Special Interest Soc of the year: Harry Potter (@lupottersoc)

Campaign of the year: Labour (@lancslabourclub)

Lasting Impact: Investment & Finance Society – LUFS

Sustainability: EWB (@ewblancaster)

New Society of the Year: Sober (@lusobersociety)

Performance: Theatre Group (@theatregroup)

Most Improved and Rising Star: ABACUS (@lu_abacus)

Hidden Hero Soc of the year: Swing Dance (@lusdance)

Vice Presidents’ Cup: Theo Hunt

Outstanding Individual Achievement: Eleanor Hodgson

Society of the year: Mountaineering Club (@lancaster_lumc)

Congratulations to all winners and nominees.

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