Washing up and washing machines: The dos and don’ts of Lancaster Uni
This is your regular reminder to not walk in big groups on the Spine x
We’re in the new term now, and we’re all settling into the regular spin of lectures, seminars and even more going out than last year now that Sugar is open on a Monday. Maybe you’re new to Lancaster and are looking for some general instructions, the things everyone knows but never talks about. Maybe you’re back after the summer break and are looking for a refresher. The dos and don’ts of Lancaster are here, and to be honest, we could all do with remembering some of these.
DO show up for your group work
Nothing is more annoying than arranging a group meeting, assigning roles and tasks, and then one of the key members not showing up. We wouldn’t recommend this, not if you want to keep any status within your classes, and also possibly your grades.
DON’T walk in big groups on the Spine
You literally have to play human dodgems with big groups on the spine, weaving in and out like it’s some twisted game of Mario Kart. It’s not fun and it’s not pretty. Please, I implore you, separate yourselves.
DO your washing up
No one likes a plate leaver. Now, if you have a legitimate excuse and tell others, and wash it up when you get back, that’s fine, but the person who leaves their dishes there to congeal for weeks at a time has a special hatred coming for them.
DON’T chase the ducks
Just no. I mean, come on. They’re iconic. They’re Lancaster personified. If Lancaster was an animal, it would be a duck. Don’t chase them. Be a better person than that.
DO go to Sultans
Need we say more?
DON’T leave your washing in the machine
No one wants to go to so their laundry and find crusty dry socks in the only empty machine in the laundrette. More than anything, it’s just a bit grim. No one wants to move your pants out of the tumble dryer, we don’t know where they’ve been.
DO go to Grizedale for 2-4-1 cocktails
It’s the best value on campus. The drinks are S-tier. The ambience and vibes are on point, and you can push the tables together so you can get a big group in there, making it the perfect spot for pres. Why wouldn’t you?
DON’T socialise in just your college
They tell you in Freshers’ Week that your college is your family on campus, but unless through some twist of fate your flatmates are your best friends in the entire world, you probably won’t spend the majority of your time there. Branch out, try some societies, and make some friends in other places. Even if they don’t end up being your kind of people, it’s always fun to explore the other colleges!
DO try studying in Pendle Brew or the Learning Zone
Sometimes you need to get out of the library, and there are so many better places on campus to study (quite frankly, if you only stay in the library, it’s a red flag). Pendle Brew’s facelift means it’s got cafe vibes to die for, and the Learning Zone has a bustle to it that isn’t found anywhere else on campus.
DON’T nick other people’s library bookings
Don’t be that person. Don’t go into random rooms you haven’t booked and sit down for the next hour. Don’t make us kick you out. I know it’s tempting, and let’s be real, we’ve all done it. It’s the collective uni failing. Maybe this is the year we’ll stop. Maybe.