‘Extreme Ninja Warrior’ is coming to Leeds, so you’d better get ready to hit the gym

Embrace your inner Naruto

City Bloc Indoor Climbing Wall has joined forces with Level Up Academy to create ‘Extreme Ninja Warrior’, the world’s first combined climbing and parkour free-running competition. The competition will be on Sunday July 23 with ten events spread over three hours at Level Up Academy in the morning and then City Bloc for three hours in the afternoon. A prize of £300 will be awarded to both the winners of the male and female category.

The course is over six hours and is split into two sessions. Participants can expect to be challenged to showcase what they have got when it comes to  jumping, running, strength and balancing.

Marianne Lalli from City Bloc said: “Climbing is getting very popular as an indoor sport and is fun and physical at the same time. The way things are going with climbing competitions, they are getting more technical and it is not just about strength, you have to have co-ordination and balance.”

She continued: “Some of our staff started to go to Level Up for more training and came up with the idea it would be pretty cool to make a combination of these two. We know nothing like this has ever been done before, we are pretty excited by it and it will be a fun competition.”

Participants don’t need to have equipment or previous experience in climbing or parkour – just to be active and enthusiastic about exercise.