The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
She was studying theatre and performance
Canal Kills am I right
13/10 the perfect date
Where do I sign up?
No one enjoys crumbs to be fair
Why am I paying £9000 for this again?
I’m already too poor for this tbh
Goodbye Tinder, you won’t be missed
It’s because of all of your wavy garms
The only surprise is why aren’t we first?
Finally, the only good part about exams
It’s a Christmas miracle
A true Christmas miracle
Two weeks until the temporary freedom of Christmas
The death is not being treated as suspicious
I’d rather not swim in that pond, thanks
They’re meeting outside Leeds Art Gallery
This is not a surprise to anyone
The stress nearly killed me off
Truly a Christmas miracle
The family was unaware
It happened near the Corn Exchange this morning
What are you doing in ma swamp?
Never fear, your alcohol is here
Emergency services are currently at the scene
We couldn’t even drink away the disappointment of losing
The best guide in Leeds is back
Sheffield who?
She was sentenced to 16 months in prison
It was found at 9:17 this morning
Forget the club nights, this is where you want to be
More information to follow
Like we needed a study to tell us this
Dreams really do come true
You don’t even need an A* in French
Freshers’ is sorted
Join his Blazin’ Squad
Because apparently Leeds doesn’t have enough unis
It’s what we’ve all been waiting for
Can you really blame us?
That IT degree may finally come in handy
It will take place at 5pm tomorrow
That’s behind Leeds Trinity
For when your library bae doesn’t deliver
He was here for his daughter’s graduation
His injuries are not thought to be critical
You’re not a hoe if you need the dough
Get your popcorn at the ready
We also have the cheapest kebab
I thought the North was supposed to be cheap
They’re made of the same cladding as Grenfell Tower
Just in time for the start of term
18th out of 56 isn’t bad
All of your prayers have been answered
It’s all you’ve ever wished for
For all of you true romantics out there
Thoughts go out to his friends and family
That explains the hangover
Leeds Leeds Leeds
Hangovers will never be the same again
There are delays of up to an hour
For all of the lovebirds out there
He possessed an 8 inch knife when police arrested him
It’s been a difficult term
Embrace your inner Naruto
And we all thought Leeds couldn’t get any cooler
Mark your calendars for July 6th
How did we not win?
67% of UCU members voted to strike
Is anyone really surprised?
Gutted if you missed her
No surprises there
Congrats to them
Mini golf is coming
His academic profile at the University of Leeds is currently ‘unavailable’
Why go to a bar when you can be classy watching Netflix?
The game has been said to ‘demonise’ mental health
Like we didn’t already know
Go at your own risk
Mental health isn’t romantic, it sucks
A lot of alchohol leads to bad decisions
The exam had to be rearranged until this afternoon
It was a mixed bag to be honest
He also implied he had a degree from the University of Leeds