Don’t panic but an alcohol delivery service is coming to Leeds

Never fear, your alcohol is here

If you’ve ever run out of your preferred beverage half way through a pres, you’ll be pleased to know that alcohol could now be delivered straight to your door if Leeds councillors allow a new business to start operating in Leeds.

Drink On Ltd has applied for a premises licence to work from an industrial unit in Bramley.  People wouldn’t be allowed on the premises, but the alcohol would be dispatched from it and delivered to your door – whatever the time.

Leeds City Council will be discussing the application this week, but there is some opposition to the service.

Councillor Alison Lowe said: “Local residents are concerned about this application because of the business’s proximity to local houses and the risk of noise nuisance throughout the night.”

One anonymous resident who made an objection said: “As West Leeds has had some problems with alcohol misuse for some time, it would not be beneficial for this type of business to set up locally.”

A Leeds City Council spokesperson said: “Licensing applications are looked at closely by a panel of councillors before being agreed. This is to ensure that not only is legal guidance followed, but that they meet local needs and so that local people and organisations can make their views known too.”