Leicester’s BNOC of the year: THE FINAL

Here are the most popular people on campus

The votes have been counted, leaving us with the top three contenders fighting for BNOC of the year 2016.

Ella Phillips

Studies: BA Management (Finance), second year

Ella says: “Thanks to all the people who voted, chuffed that I’m the only girl to be nominated and I’ve made it to the final! #beersladsbanter #businesspleasure”

Joe Pringle

Studies: History and Politics, second year

Joe says: “I taught Jamie Vardy how to party”

Richard Grimstead

Studies: Mathematics and Management, third year

Richard says: “VK Tekkers is my middle name bruv. Partial to a WKD as well”

Who will be your champion? Vote here for Leicester’s BNOC of the year:

[polldaddy poll=9433252]