Tamid Chowdhury is your BNOC of the year

Long live King Tamid

Union Chair elect and Group Three winner, Tamid Chowdhury, is your BNOC of the year having won 35.53% of your votes.

The Portico steps count as a throne, right?

After smashing his way to the top of his pool with a massive 46% of the vote, Chowdhury confirmed UCLU’s enduring relevance by winning over 5,000 votes to confirm his place as the biggest name on our fair campus.

However competition was fierce with there being a mere 37 votes between Chowdhury and runner up Amber Doig-Thorne. SELCS Treasurer James Woodley came third with 25.49% of the vote, and rugby social secs Marj Heemskerk and Nathan Simkiss brought up the rear with 2.66% and 1.04% of the vote respectively.

In his nomination, Chowdhury was described as being “notorious for dynamic wardrobe changes…Donning a smart casual look one day and a (wannabe) American gangster the next – rather surprising look given his soft-as-snow voice and poetic ways of talking.”

He’s also known for “running in (and winning) half of the roles in the union elections the past two years” and secured the highest vote count for a part time officer in this year’s elections.