The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Smashing pints and the Poly since 1983
The most chunder-ful time of the year
The drinks included aren’t even from Mexico
They’re worried about plans for expansion
Not helped by UCL’s impenetrable bureaucracy
‘Deeply ingrained misogyny’? Sounds about right
Forget Varsity, this is the big time
“The Tab London are so desperate, they’ll publish a novelty card game about ___”
The deal has become ‘unfeasible’
Their posters have appeared all around campus
They aren’t even replacing it
Max Rayne residents will probably end up in the national news
We’ve moved ten places since last year
Now sissy that walk
The prank has already been compared to the infamous ‘Bellogate’ scandal
Gutted if you live on the Hammersmith and City Line
Never will another venue be such a rite of passage
Michael Arthur said UCL was “barely financially sustainable”
SELCS Treasures steamrolls his way to the final
Students from less well-off backgrounds will get £500-£1,000 less next year
Strand Poly didn’t stand a chance
Liberal hug-fest it is not
She beat Megan Dunn by nearly 50 votes
June Sarpong has been accused of making biased comments
Residents are dealing with the cockroach infestation themselves
Over 30 people were killed this morning
Two birds with one stone
32 people were killed in Ankara last night
They’ve been reigning champions since 2007
It needs 2 per cent of students to sign it
UCLU are officially boycotting Israel
‘The only thing weaker than their kicks is their banter’
We’re your weird Slavonic cousins with a fancy building
Our private school was founded in 1541
There are some really big shoulders here
We’re making it better for everyone
Walkabout’s DJ is called Spunky for starters
He wants to legalise rape on private property
Over 175,000 animals were tested on in 2014
Installations were switched off due to overcrowding
They’re calling for an end to all UCL investment in fossil fuels
You can pretend you go somewhere cool
Some people actually said yes
Last time he was here someone was wrestled off stage
£160 a year for what