Hackers are sending loads of spam emails to students at SSEES

The prank has already been compared to the infamous ‘Bellogate’ scandal

UCL students have once again been flooded with spam emails after pranksters signed student email accounts up to several newsletters using their department’s mailing list.

Students at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) began to receive peculiar emails from various political and religious organisations two days ago, including ‘Slavorum’, ‘Citizens for Trump’ and ‘Ethical Kink’.

The pranksters, whose identity remains a mystery, hacked into the SSEEES department mailing list and used it to sign students up to the spam newsletters. Although students have tried to unsubscribe from the mailing lists, they have been automatically signed up again.


Just a fraction of what SSEES students are dealing with


The series of spam emails has already been compared to the infamous Bellogate saga, where UCL students were sent thousands of emails signing them up to numerous groups and applications, including UKIP Online, OKCupid and the official Coldplay mailing list.

SSEES’ department-wide mailing list has already proved problematic this year, with students accidentally sending emails requesting module changes to an increasingly irate student body.

SSEES or UCL have yet to give any information or advice to students affected with this latest outbreak of spam.