Marathon dance World Record smashed by Newcastle Uni Pole Dance Soc!
Through bruises, blisters, blood and sheer exhaustion the Newcastle pole dancing society beat the 24 hour pole dance marathon world record and raised over £900 for Infants Trust UK.
Despite working overnight to achieve this incredible goal, the dancers pushed through their pain to showcase moves that the girls down at Diamonds wouldn’t dream of.
Leave it to the pros, these girls:
From L to R – Kathryn, Alexanne, Natalie, Harriet (behind) Melissa, Harriet, Lateefa, Zoe, Beth, Yasmin, Lucy photographed by Rajani, another of the big names
Laura Burton (graveyard shift) and Lizzie Gregory were also on the pole for ridiculous amounts of time but unfortunately missed out on the photo above.
Sparkly heels and nipple tassels were nowhere to be seen, as everybody displayed amazing moves in a sport which provides not just body confidence but the opportunity to be part of a hugely supportive team.
Still not convinced? One member’s catholic granddad has seen a video and another’s boyfriend wasn’t bothered about watching – this really isn’t just about sex appeal, although it is hard to ignore.
Genuine enthusiasm was instantly clear when speaking to the team, even those who only started 4 weeks ago.
After spending hours with everyone even I was tempted to join in despite finding it difficult to touch my own toes.
After the gruelling 30 hours there were a few findings including:
- Harriet Skinner mastering the moonwalk in down time
- Lateefa exhibiting a debut ‘Iron-X’
- Kathryn with limited skin on her left hand
- Bad preparation for a masters exam from Harriet Slack
- 24 hour mark – Melissa Whipp on the pole
- 30 hour mark – Harriet Skinner (to the tune of Final Countdown, great touch)
This obsession is set to spread! Catch the girls at Easter for their showcase.
Well done to the girls, and one brave boy, a great shift by all and an amazing achievement!