Fruitylicious QCumber

Fruity clothing for any self-respecting student

As you all know, this is the time of year where deadlines and illness are starting to take their toll with the list of casualties growing at an increasing rate.

No doubt the past few weeks of dining exclusively on 3am kebabs, toast and Blanc’s finest build your own burgers, has led to your immune systems resembling that of a corpse.


That is unless you are one of the smug individuals, who have been dining on 3 course dinners and fry-ups that Mr Blumenthal himself would be proud of, in the sex-fuelled orgy, officially recognised as Castle Leazes.

Fear not people, for we have some good news. This news comes in the form of QCumber clothing, here to deliver some vitamin packed treats in the form of fruity jumpers.


Like most ground-breaking innovations (and a few of you) QCumber clothing was conceived by mistake, in this case a food fight lead to a white jumper covered in Strawberry’s, a mothers nightmare but a trend setters dream.

A few months down the road and here they are competing with Apple to be the best fruit based company in the UK.

Since July QCumber has been taking the country by storm, with features in Grazia, Cosmopolitan, and Radio1 (don’t worry lads, Freddie Flintoff & Andy Strauss are also fans), making sure people get their 5 a day.

QCumber has since been holding pop up stores at universities around the country, and you may have seen a few of the better dressed girls and boys sporting one of their jumpers around Osborne Road and on nights out. Obviously those of you who are freshers won’t have seen any in lectures as you won’t have been to any yet.

Badman Boulle

QCumber will also be hosting a Christmas party for all of its fans nationwide, on December 17th at Bedroom bar, Shoreditch.

With fruity beats from some of the finest student DJ’s from across the country who have played at Relentless Freeze Festival, Pacha, Fabric, and Ministry of Sound, some pretty sweet giveaways, a raffle with serious prizes, copious amounts of booze and the best dressed students in England.

Follow QCumber on Facebook, to keep up to date on the event, special offers and new colour-ways.

To get your hands on one of your five a day, go to to get a taste of cucumbers on navy, or pineapples on (Ron) Burgundy and use discount code: NEWCASTLE01 for 10% off.

It’s safe to say you’ll then be pick of the bunch and maybe if you buy one for Christmas for that girl with a peachy bum you have been endlessly pursuing, you’ll finally get your banana some much needed attention. Alternatively she might find it creepy and put you in the friend zone, so tread carefully.