Newcastle Humanities and Social Sciences staff receive the highest salaries
They’re all earning above the national average wage
Humanities and Social Sciences staff (HaSS) receive the highest salaries of the three main faculty bodies at Newcastle.
Humanities and Social Sciences staff who work full time received £44,530 in 2013, which rose by £770 in 2014.
Part time faculty workers received a much larger pay rise, with their annual pay rise totalling a huge £2,860.
These were the biggest pay rises awarded to full time and part time staff across all faculty bodies at the university.
Overall, FMS staff wages increased significantly by £501 over the year.
Staff members at both the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS) and the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering (SAgE) also received substantial pay rises.
Similarly to Humanities and Social Sciences faculty members, part-time staff received a greater pay rise than their full time counterparts.
Full time Faculty of Medical Sciences staff members only received a pay increase of £137, whereas their part-time colleagues received a soaring wage rise of £1607.
Science, Agriculture and Engineering faculty members were discovered to receive the smallest pay packages overall.
They were also awarded the smallest overall annual pay rise between 2013 – 2014, with a small increase of £273.
Again, part time faculty members received greater pay rises than full time staff.
However, this was found to be much smaller than the pay rises Humanities and Social Sciences and Faculty of Medical Sciences part time staff received, only increasing by £497.
Full time staff received a similar pay increase of £246 between 2013 and 2014, from £38,911 to £39,157.
In comparison, the average national wage currently stands at around £26,500, while the average graduate can be expected to earn £29,000.