Meet the the Newcastle students raising money for a children’s shelter in Indonesia
They’re doing a back-yard cake and second-hand clothes sale on Saturday
To celebrate the setting up of CLR19Bakes – a charity set up by 6 Newcastle University international students – the Tab Newcastle decided to sit down with the co-founder, Kezia.
Despite the charity only being one month old, they’ve already managed to raise nearly £300 for a children’s shelter in Indonesia, which for 43 years has looked after generations of Indonesian children. You can read more about the shelter by clicking here.
How did the project start?
K: We got tired of shivering under our blankets binge-watching Netflix, and decided that the heat of the oven was a productive yet effective way of warming up! We’re a group of friends with quite a few different talents – some writing, some designing – and we’re all quite keen bakers, so we decided to merge all of our skills together and do some charity work.
Why did you name it CLR19Bakes?
K: The name might seem complicated – but it’s not. It’s simply the address of the house we live in (19 Claremont Rd), which is also where we’re running a second-hand clothes sale this Saturday (26/11) with FREE hot drinks. Warm ginger drink on a chilly Newcastle evening, anyone? We’ll also be selling our cakes, and all proceeds will go to the Indonesian children’s shelter.
What role do you all play within the organisation?
K: so the three girls in the group are the bakers, and the three boys that we live with are our grateful guinea pigs!
The bakers & the guinea pigs
Which cakes are the most popular?
K: The Banana-tella (banana + Nutella) is super popular, there’s nothing bananas and Nutella can’t do. Also the strawberry-banana cheescake is well-loved too.
The Strawberry-Brownie cheesecake
Have you got any other events coming up?
K: As well as the bake & clothes sale on Saturday, we’re combining with Kommunity NCL on the 14th December to combine Salsa dancing, cakes and drinks together in one fun night which will be perfect for students looking for a bit of time off revision. It’ll be held at Kommunity bar on Market St, 7pm til late.
CLR19Bake will be having a bake and second-hand clothes sale this Saturday (22/11) and all proceeds will go to the children’s shelter in Indonesia.
For more information, they have a Facebook page and a website.