Newcastle students win £2000 in Lonsdale Pub Quiz

Dream big, win big

With a Jackpot that’s been getting higher and higher as the year goes on, the whopping £2000 cash prize of The Lonsdale Pub ‘Find-The-Joker’ was won by Newcastle students on Thursday 4th May. The rules to win are simple: buy the right raffle ticket and pick the Joker from a series of envelopes which has been getting smaller each week until only three remained. Despite hundreds of raffle tickets being bought they had the golden ticket.

We spoke to group leader and bachelor Stu Traynor about the win. He told The Tab: “We plan to stay humble and ask the people of Jesmond to respect our privacy at this time…we’ve gone to most of the quizzes this year and its been a long hard journey”. He also revealed his plans for spending the winnings, which we are unable to publish, but it sounds as if the team plan to celebrate in style.

For team member Hannah Trinick the day couldn’t have got better, she told us: “I can’t believe we won, best end to the day after handing in my masters dissertation”. The quiz winnings probably means she breaks even with the binding costs of her dissertation.

This is the second time that Newcastle students have won £2000 in the pub quiz and rumours are circulating that the joker envelope may only be put in the deck on the final ‘Find-the-Joker’. Regardless, this team isn’t complaining if they do.