Image may contain: Woman, Girl, Female, Blonde, Person, People, Human

It’s International Women’s Day so we asked you which women inspired you and why

There was a surprising lack of Beyonce

Today is International Women's Day, and in order to celebrate all you lovely ladies out there, we went out and asked the gals on campus which women inspire you.

Flo Strachan, third year

Image may contain: Bench, Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Plant, Jar, Flora, Person, People, Human

"Caitlin Moran for her accurate representation of female adolescent discovery and her hilarious book on women growing up."

Louise Hall, third year

Image may contain: Woman, Girl, Female, Blonde, Person, People, Human

"Aphra Behn, not only the first woman to make a living for herself from her writing, but also for her audacity to represent women with some sense of agency and complexity within the confines of 17th century literature."

Jenny Walker and Lana Hutt, third year

Image may contain: Woman, Girl, Female, Blonde, Person, People, Human

"Dr Forknah – she is a respected woman in the medical community and in Soho. She inspires me everyday because she always has her shit together on a hangover and is a 3rd year medic on placement. She is v cool because she likes guys and girls and wine. She also owns a babies denim bucket hat that she found in a car park and still looks really cool when she wears it. "

Megan O'Gara, second year

Image may contain: Pc, Laptop, Computer, Furniture, Couch, Television, TV, Screen, Monitor, Electronics, Person, People, Human

"Probably my mum. She’s the main household earner and managed to to go to uni when me and my brother were babies."

Hannah Williams, first year

Image may contain: Sweatshirt, Sweater, Clothing, Person, People, Human

"My high school English teacher, because she always encouraged me to try and be a journalist, even when I thought I couldn't be."