Does Tiger Tiger’s ‘Kiss Cam’ leave a bad taste in your mouth?
Tiger’s photographers are on the prowl
A few weeks ago, one of my flatmates showed me Tiger Tiger’s Instagram page for the first time. I wasn’t sure why at first, but after seeing a picture of one of our friends covered in sweat, passionately kissing a stranger, blissfully unaware of the club photographer in front of him, two things went through my head; number one: that’s hilarious; and number two: oh God I hope I’m not on there.
After frantically scrolling through the page I was relieved to discover that I hadn’t been papped yet, but it did make me wonder whether this was fair on the people in the pictures.
The club is known for hosting the iconic Tiger Wednesdays, the home of Newcastle sport socials which always boasts outlandish themes such as Mamma Mia and I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here.
Every week a new collection of images is posted on the club’s Instagram page of that week’s ‘Tiger Lovers’, but the pictures of students snogging seem to divide opinion amongst those who are unfortunate enough to get caught.
The comments on these pictures primarily consist of people tagging their ill-fated friends to laugh at their misfortune, eliciting variety of reactions from some of the page’s ‘victims’.
Not everyone seemed to take the exposure on the chin, with some Instagram users commenting "oh fgs" and "kill me stone dead", showing their embarrassment at being photographed whilst on the pull.
However, other Instagram users who had been caught on camera seemed to laugh it off, with some of them even relishing the publicity, one user commenting: "MOM I MADE IT".
This Wednesday night, Tiger Tiger plays host to their Valentines Traffic Light Party, encouraging guests to choose the colour of their outfit to reflect their relationship status 'with no judgement' as the Facebook page proudly declares.
On top of that, the club are proposing a live kiss cam, featuring more drunken smooching as it's happening which will undoubtedly provide plenty of material for people to regret on Thursday morning!
The photos seem unlikely to stop anytime soon, and whilst I wouldn’t holler to my mum about getting caught… I think people should continue to embrace the funny side, although it might be worth keeping your eyes peeled for the photographer if you’re on the pull.
Photo credit: Harry Craig (TigerWeds)