Here are the candidates for NUSU President
We spoke to the candidates
It's that time of the year again when you get the chance to vote for your upcoming president candidates who you believe will make a positive difference to your university experience. So here's the line up for this years NUSU presidential candidates…
Asif Khan
Studies: Business Management
Key points from his manifesto:
– Making the SU more fun and interactive by introducing things such as free restaurant pop ups, free hobbies and workshop classes and film screenings.
– Making uni life digital and facilitative by linking your student card to your phone and creating transferable printing credit.
– Creating a healthier student lifestyle both mentally and physically by implementing free fitness boot camps and free fruit along with introducing more reading weeks and better stress and time management classes.
– Making university life easier through creating more working and desk space along with putting microwaves in the library and the SU.
– Making opportunities for students self-development with more work and volunteering opportunities with term time and summer internships.
Asif says:
"My Manifesto focuses on making the student like fun, interactive and an overall easier experience, by giving students the best out of if what they’re paying to make the remaining Uni life extra special. After all, these are the few best years of our lives and I as a president will make sure to deliver the experiences I wanted that would’ve made my Uni life easier and more enjoyable."
Campaign video:
Watch Asif's campaign video here and read his full manifesto here.
Chris Wilkinson
Studies: Classical Studies
Key points from his manifesto:
– To negotiate with student landlords and accommodation so that it's easier for you to have pets in your home, for when you need to relax and ease your mental health.
– To negotiate with businesses like IKEA and Wilko's so that students can have discounts on everyday essentials and not just at food-outlets.
– To increase counselling hours as well as increase the quality of the counselling offered.
– To reform student council and the students union to increase representation so NUSU can debate things which students actually care about.
– To work with the AU officer to widen gym hours and decrease membership fees.
Chris says:
"Every good Students Union should be dedicated in sticking up for students not just on campus, but when they go home as well. If you vote for me, I will take the power, influence, and innovation of students into the city so that you feel your interests are represented wherever you go. Mental Health, Affordability, and Representation don't start and end on campus. Vote Chris Wilkinson for President!"
Campaign video:
You can watch Chris's campaign video here and read his full manifesto here.
Jack Clohessy
Studies: Law
Key points from his manifesto:
– Make mental health a shared priority between the NHS and the university by initiating consultations on how we can integrate NHS and university services.
– Provide free sanitary products in all university buildings.
– Re-evaluate the £65 silver membership fee, ultimately with the aim of removing it or giving better value for money – particularly with an emphasis on increasing intramural participation.
– Implement an anonymous drug-checking scheme in collaboration with a local charity, allowing students to bring in a small sample of drugs to be analysed so students can make informed decisions.
– The Phillip Robinson library suffers from a serious lack of seating available for those wanting to each lunch both in and outside the cafe. I will push for more seating and for the return of sofas.
Jack says:
"I don't want to make bold statements about unachievable things to catch headlines. Instead, I spoke to as many different people as I could and, focused on what they said was important to them. Mental and physical health, sport and financial worries featured heavily. If these things are still coming up in conversations, then there is obviously still work to be done. I will bring new ideas to combat old problems and don’t mind ruffling feathers to get change through."
Campaign Video:
You can watch Jack's campaign video here and read his full manifesto here.
Jamie Cameron
Studies: Politics
Key points from his manifesto:
– Start a grassroots campaign to pressure the university on campus, in the media, and on the street. We must demand millions of pounds more of funding for the Students Union.
– Let's reform and revitalise Union democracy through student consultation so we can VOTE on how the money is spent. More money for clubs, societies, volunteering, and so much more.
– Expanding the NUSU food bank so every student is better protected from poverty and can have the essentials. Negotiating for or 'group-buying' for cheaper public transport.
– Bringing in more local artists and community organisations. Opening up unused rooms and resources around campus to local organisations fighting for social justice.
– Making exploitative landlords afraid to cross students. It's time NUSU names, shames, and is willing to bring legal action against landlords.
Jamie says:
"While university elites re-curve skyrocketing pay, students are ignored and our services fall behind, while our teachers get forced into strike action through continuous cuts to their pay and worsening work conditions. This has to change. I will start a grassroots campaign to finally challenge university management. This is OUR university, let's act like it!"
Campaign video:
You can watch Jamie's campaign video here and read his full manifesto here.
Jason Carr
Studies: International Economics and Finance
Key points from his manifesto:
– Bring real representation to the students of Newcastle University. For too long I believe NUSU has been a clique representing only their own interests. I will crush these mere mortals in my inexorable rise to power. Together we can achieve a union by all students, for all students.
– Re-allocate funding to the areas most students care about. The vanity projects of past SU teams will be reassessed and streamlined, with the excess funds being diverted into more popular schemes such as subsidised drinks at Luther’s.
– Restore the beauty of our campus. The sculptures of rusty blocks and a headless ballerina are near-universally despised, I will aim to see them removed and the beauty of our great campus restored.
– Link our union with other mighty institutions. I will seek partnerships with large companies such as Google and Amazon to fund better equipment and services at a lower cost..
Campaign video:
You can watch Jason's campaign video here and read his full manifesto here.
Katie Smyth
Studies: History
Key points form her manifesto:
– Having a reading week for all as uni is full on, obviously none of us expected it to be easy, for which reason she strongly believe in every
courses’ right to a reading week. This can serve as breathing time to help people balance and keep on top
of everything.
– Re-marking system; I plan to implement a re-marking system for everyone, these are the most important academic years of our
lives, least we deserve is a second look if we strongly feel a mark is wrong.
– Unlimited print credits as uni is a struggle for many financially, but the financial burden could be made slightly easier with
unlimited print credits.
– Better mental health assistance and sexual assault clinic in the SU.
Katie says:
"If you want an SU that'll fight for you, gimme your vote!"
Campaign video:
You can watch Katie's campaign video here and read his full manifesto here.
John Dilworth
Studies: Creative Writing
Key points from his manifesto:
– Fondle free Wednesdays to raise awareness about STDs.
– Cheaper pints in the SU.
– Total condemnation of ISIS.
– A realistic assessment of the mental health services available on campus with the aim of providing more useful support for students in need.
– Make gamers a minority to protect their rights.
John says:
“I wrote my manifesto on my phone on the train after three pints and it’s still the best one.”
Campaign video:
You can watch John's campaign video here.