Newcastle’s BNOC of the year: Round two
A title many want, but few actually have
Whether you can't work in the Robbo without being spotted by people you know every five minutes, or a quick trip into town ends up taking all day because you know that many people, being crowned Newcastle's BNOC of the year 2019 is an honour every Newcastle Student secretly wants.
You've had round one, here are the nominations for round two:
Check out our Instagram Story to give them a cheeky follow – they'll love that.
Jake Fong, first year, Business Management
Reason for being a BNOC: He thinks of himself as a "lady killer" and would do anything to please the ladies. Apparently he also knows so many people that he actually finds it annoying.
Hannah Finney, third year, History and Archaeology
Reason for being a BNOC: Hannah is best known for being the creator of the famous HannahFinney4 snapchat. She has also attempted to climb Monument after a night out, is the creator of the HannahFinney4spanishbroth instagram account, runs all of the RAG society's social media and got into the Maths Summer Ball, despite studying something entirely different. Hannah was also one of the organisers of this years Freshers week, although she does not like to tell people that.
Henry Barker, first year, Economics
Reason for being a BNOC: He started pouring his own drinks in Soho by pretending to be a bartender. Henry also went on a night out with a leg infection that was close to amputation. He also persuaded flares to bring the poles back.
Flo Duckworth, first year, Mechanical Engineering
Reason for being a BNOC: It once took her 45 minutes to walk down the Castle Leazes cow field path because she had to stop to talk to everyone she knew.
Jordan Carroll, second year, English Language
Reason for being a BNOC: According to his mates, Jordan is unbelievably supportive whether it's a real problem or deciding whether or not to go to Soho. He has apparently also climbed onstage to lip sync with drag queens and is a "proper lad."
Will Christophers, second year, Geography
Reason for being a BNOC: "Chirpsing every female in sight on the third floor of The Robbo," as well as supposedly being a decent centre-half for NUAFC but still having a "shocking conversion rate in the bedroom".
Photo Credit: #societysaturdays