We’ve rounded up some of Newcastle’s best Halloween costumes from this year
It’s scary stuff
Halloween has been and gone, and once again we've seen quite the parade of witches, mermaids, and far too many convict outfits. Here are a selection of Newcastle's best Halloween costumes 2019, in no particular order.
1. Potato

Credit: @joshglover_97
This lad probably got 'roasted' when his mates saw the costume. Looks like a reject from 'Silence of the Yams'. Oh well, at least he 'fried'.
Originality: 5/5 – Haven't seen it done before.
Execution: 5/5 – Definitely has an eye for detail.
Sexiness: 1/5 – Not convinced by the sex 'a-peel.'
Scariness: 2/5 – Not the most frightening. Most people wouldn't jump if they saw a giant potato in a back alley.
2. Simon from The Inbetweeners

Credit: @jamesgeorge15
It's a shame he didn't have his 'fwends' to complete the ensemble.
Originality: 4/5 – It's been done but not 'played out'.
Execution: 5/5 – The hair… the school uniform… the car door! The attention to detail is staggering.
Sexiness: 4/5 – Could definitely picture him on the catwalk…
Scariness: 1/5 – Unless Mr Kennedy came out with him, it's unlikely to scare anyone.
3. Half Pumpkin, Half Girl

Credit: @sophieclayton_
Half girl, half fruit, fully awesome!
Originality: 5/5 – A seriously cool twist on a classic.
Execution: 5/5 – Flawless!
Sexiness: 4/5 – Pumpkins aren't the most alluring but everything looks spot on.
Scariness: 3/5 – Quite creepy but not terrifying.
4. Kill Bill

Credit: @annamariria
Uma Thurman would be proud!
Originality: 4/5 – It's not every day you see someone in a yellow jumpsuit a wielding katana.
Execution: 5/5 – Looks spot on, Uma Thurman would be proud!
Sexiness: 4/5 – Pretty steamy if you can ignore the blood…
Scariness: 4/5 – Definitely would not mess with them!
5. Holistic Vocal Coach
Isn't it incredible that in 2019 people are dressing up as a girl from X Factor 11 years ago? You might remember Ariel, the holistic vocal coach, who infamously failed to impress the judges and stormed off in a bit of a huff. This lad has immortalised her.
Originality: 5/5 – Such a good idea.
Execution: 5/5 – Great attention to detail with the hair, the outfit and even the necklace!
Sexiness: 5/5 – Who could resist…?!
Scariness: 5/5 – Ariel's scowl struck fear into even Simon Cowell, truly a force to be reckoned with…
6. Ketchup Bottle

Credit: @tomrial
Rumour has it that he was going to go as a tomato but he 'bottled it'.
Originality: 4/5 – Bit of a unique one.
Execution: 3/5 – Could have done with some mustard and mayonnaise friends.
Sexiness: 5/5 – Quite a saucy outfit!
Scariness: 4/5 – If you bumped into him in a dark alley, you'd dip.
7. Mia Wallace

Credit: @vasileiapapazoglou
Pulp Fiction is a classic film and it's really been done justice here.
Originality: 4/5 – Great reference to a great film outside of the usual Halloween suspects.
Execution: 5/5 – The cigarette really tops it off, Uma Thurman would be proud, again!
Sexiness: 4/5 – The hair is reminiscent of Lord Farquaad from Shrek but quite seductive other than that.
Scariness: 2/5 – Not a character to be messed with, but not petrifying.
8. Fortune Teller

Credit: @sophielancaster1
Another one for the makeup enthusiasts!
Originality: 3/5 – See it most years.
Execution: 5/5 – Amazing detail, the jewellery and contact lenses especially!
Sexiness: 5/5 – There's something very alluring, must be the eyes…
Scariness: 2/5 – Not really scary.
9. Shaun of the Dead

Credit: @laurie.brewster, @alexnelssson
A classic film…
Originality: 3/5 – It's been done before, but it's rare enough to stick out at a party.
Execution: 4/5 – Love the badge, just missing a Cornetto or maybe a cricket bat.
Sexiness: 2/5 – A corny t-shirt and a work uniform, both covered in blood. Not the sexiest.
Scariness: 2/5 – Blood aside, it's not very frightening…
10. Jesus
The perfect mate to accompany anyone on a night out, can turn water to wine and feed everyone at the end of the night.
Originality: 5/5 – It's not every day you witness the second-coming.
Execution: 5/5 – Looks happy and holy.
Scariness: 0/5 – Too loving to be spooky.
Think you had the best costume? Send them to us on Instagram!