Here are the candidates for Activities officer in the NUSU 2020 elections
Voting has opened this week
The Newcastle University Students Union (NUSU) elections are currently taking place, where the power is put into your hands to choose who you would like to represent your views on a matter of different issues, for the 2020/2021 academic year.
The Activities officer faces the role of organising, supervising and overseeing the activities and events of all Newcastle University clubs and societies. We chatted with the three candidates of the role this year, to make it easier for you to decide who you want to vote for.
Elli Brown
Main manifesto points:
- Introduce a Fresher’s Fair Fund
- Encourage departmental societies to implement green pledges in their respective schools
- Ensure committee handover consistency
- Improve drugs hazard awareness in societies
- Install ECOSIA on the Student’s Union computers
Elli says:
Alex Vipond
Main manifesto points:
- Emphasis on Go Volunteer with a Give it a Go approach to opportunities
- Amplify the voice of student ambassadors for charities, providing them with more support and helping them to get more people involved
- Encouraging participation in the NCL+ award
- Increasing support on student led initiatives: student ownership of events (you come to me with an idea and I will support you to make it happen)
- Inclusivity and equality across representation of all societies in terms of events, advertising and funding
Alex says: “Vote for me if you want to leave Uni with more than a degree”
Campaign Video:
Hannah Finney
Hello, I’m Hannah and I’m running for Activities Officer. I want to increase training, engagement, and advertisement within the SU and make society life easier and more enjoyable!
- First aid training for Welfare Officers
- Increase awareness of promotional opportunities within the SU for societies
- Work with the uni to make more rooms available for society use
- Regular coffee mornings to resolve any issues (both activity related and personal)
- Inter-society mixers to encourage collaborations between societies
Campaign video: