Petition calling for NU to cancel face to face teaching has over 1,400 signatures
It was started yesterday
A petition has been set up calling for Newcastle Uni to cancel face to face teaching, meeting and non-essential services whilst the country tries to gain ahold of the spread of coronavirus.
Both Northumbria and Durham universities have already made this move, whilst Newcastle Uni have confirmed that are making provision to move teaching online after the Easter break, but not before then.
The petition now has over 1,400 signatures and its backing continues to grow.
The petition was started by final year student, Alice Galatola. She told The Newcastle Tab: “The coronavirus is a serious threat to the safety of staff and students. The university must prioritise the health of the general public and follow in the footsteps of Durham and Northumbria in cancelling face to face teaching, meetings and non essential services.
“Vulnerable students with conditions such as astma and comprimised immune systems are the most at risk. The health and safety of the university must come before profit, so we call on Chris Day to close the university to prevent the spread of the virus.”
The petition description states that: “Newcastle University has a total population of circa 32,000 students and staff, moving to and from a city-centre campus covering an area of approximately 1 square kilometre in area, daily.
“We note the increased risk of spread of coronavirus in areas of high population density where people meet face-to-face in enclosed spaces, and where the number of individuals encountered is high.
“We note therefore the disproportionate and unacceptable risk to teaching, professional services and estates colleagues who are in close contact daily with high numbers of students in lecture theatres, offices and halls.
“We also note that the decision to maintain face-to-face teaching provision priorities university income over the health of staff, students and their loved ones, including those in high-risk categories. We note that staff are particularly vulnerable in these circumstances.”
You can sign the petition here.
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