The eight things we miss most about Newcastle nights out
Life without Oops just isn’t the same
With the UK currently being in the midst of a third national lockdown, we can almost guarantee that the majority of you are looking back at your tier two Instagram highlights, reminiscing on the times you and five housemates could go for pints at Blanc until 10pm – we know, drinking in your lounge just isn’t the same.
Even worse, you’re probably dwelling on the days of proper nights out, going clubbing and snogging whomever you wanted, no matter how much regret you would feel afterwards. So, here’s a roundup of the eight things we miss most about a Newcastle night out.
Pres (and afters)
Now that all drinking takes place with your housemates in your gaff, pres and afters don’t really exist anymore as the night has basically just turned into one long pre. We miss the days of having to chug your drink two minutes before the Uber arrives, whilst shouting at your mate who still hasn’t picked which pair of flares to wear.
Everything about Grey’s Club
Whether you’re more of an Oops or Swingers fan, there’s no night out like Grey’s Club and I think we can all agree that we’re well overdue a disco party on the terrace ASAP. One like = one prayer.
Club Photos
Whether they be professionally taken or you spent all your spare change in a photo booth, club photos are always hilarious to look back on the next day – bonus points if there’s someone photobombing you.
Even the accountancy majors among us can agree that the Soho trebs deal is a bargain and even though we’d never drink it on its own, the blue mixer is elite. The weaker of us skip the Jägerbomb and focus solely on the trebs because we know we’ll end up chundering, and the Soho toilets definitely don’t need to come that close to our face.
Bumping into acquaintances
A sweaty, crowded Newcastle club is guaranteed to mean one thing – bumping into everyone you know in one night. Social distancing makes this impossible, but don’t you miss running into your first-year flatmate while struggling to walk in a straight line in the Market Shaker toilets?
January and February are the worst winter months, yet were always made a little better by wrapping up warm and going to STACK. If your idea of a perfect night isn’t drinking mulled wine, eating hoisin duck loaded fries and singing along to awful karaoke, we don’t know what is. Plus, it’ll feel like summer anyways when your face is basking in the burning glow of those gas heaters.
Overpriced corner shops
There’s nothing quite like the mid-night out trip into one of the corner shops in the centre of town, only to drunkenly pay £15 for a pack of cigs and some crisps to give half of them away to people you just met in the smoking area.
The classic end-of-night-out scran; whether you opt for cheesy chips or a kebab wrap, Munchies is an essential but it somehow only seems acceptable to eat there at 3am.
Overall, despite the things we don’t miss (club entry fees and inflated Uber prices, we’re looking at you), there’s nothing we miss more about pre-Covid Newcastle than the nights out.
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