We asked Newcastle students the worst Tinder messages they’ve ever received
Some of these are absolutely shocking
Tinder has become synonymous with modern dating and it has become even more popular since the first lockdown. Long gone are the days of chatting up strangers on a night out – welcome online dating, your new best friend. Maybe it’s lockdown boredom, maybe it’s a way of talking to people other than members of your household. While there have been some successful Tinder stories, others definitely less so – and this may be due to terrible pick-up lines. Whether they are cringe, bad or just make you go “WTF?”, all Tinder users know exactly what we’re talking about. Here are just a few examples.
“If you rearrange the letters of coronavirus you get carnivorous, which makes sense because I want to spend 14 days in quarantine eating you out”
A line like this would not have us tempted to break lockdown rules.
“Have you run out of toothpaste? Fancy some Oral, B?”
At least they care about mouth hygiene – probably the only positive thing we can think of when it comes to this little gem.
“I may not go down in history, but I’d go down on you”
This line is sure to go down in the history of worst Tinder pick-up lines… ever.
“I doubt you do economics but are your legs available for some open market operations?”
Not only is this confusing, but also a bit insulting – “I doubt you do economics”, backhanded much?
“On my way over with anti-bac and a bondage kit”
Now that’s very Fifty Shades-esque, but not in a good way.
“I’m jealous of your heart. Because it’s pumping in you and I’m not”
At least the heart keeps you alive, while this line makes us want to die on the inside.
“Are you a sea lion? Because I can see us both lying together”
Heads up, no girl will ever appreciate being compared to a sea lion.
“If corona isn’t killing me, the distance between us sure will”
This one makes us reconsider wanting lockdown to be over.
“Shoot your shot. Or not. How’s a guy supposed to get to know you better with all of this aloofness?”
Maybe they don’t want to get to know you? Take a hint.
“I am very horny”
Good to know *proceeds to unmatch*.
If any Tinder users are reading this – do not look to this list as a source of inspiration. If anything, we hope this has provided a few laughs and if your cringe pick-up line has been called out… we hope you feel ashamed.
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