Eight easy ways to improve your uni room
Big up FreePrints
If your uni room’s looking bleak it’s time to spice it up a bit, you’ve still got a few months left in your house after all. Maybe you’re just desperate to cover up the blu tack stains left by the previous tenant, or in need of inspo for next year, don’t worry, we’ve got you. Here are some cheap but simple and effective ways to upgrade your room.
No uni room is complete without a collage of FreePrints pictures blu tacked to your wall, knowing full well you’ve chosen individualism over your deposit being returned.
Your alternative is to buy a pinboard – if you can find an old nail that someone stuck in the wall ten years ago. Regardless, pictures are a cheap way to make your room your own and remind you of your friends at home, or preferably … your dog.
Posters and prints are also really good ways to make your room your own. Shout out Verde accom for placing a hook right above the bed.
You don’t have to be a crazy plant person to benefit from some greenery in your room. And we don’t mean mould.
The SU plant sale is fairly priced – although be warned, most of the exotic coloured cacti flowers are in fact glued on. At least they’ll never die, right?
You already know we’re going to encourage you to buy some fairy lights. Amazon sells a wired set that looks a whole lot nicer than the cheap ones.
If you haven’t yet got bad memories associated with strip LEDs then they’re also a good option to cosy up your uni room, as are the sunset lamps everyone’s talking about. And of course, a good desk light (salt lamps count).
The best thing about moving out of halls is undoubtedly being able to light real candles. And getting to choose the people you live with, even if they still eat your cereal and wake you up after a night out.
If you’re in halls and are missing your wax melts and Yankee candles, we recommend getting yourself an electric wax melt pot.
Even better, if you’re stressed about any heat at all, we defo recommend getting a reed diffuser – best of both worlds really, nice smell but no heat.
Savvy storage is important when maximising space. Get yourself to Wilko for cheap storage baskets, or to IKEA for that shelf trolley that’s all over TikTok. Also, a great bedside table substitute if you drew the short straw this year and live in a cupboard.
Lots and lots of blankets
Newcastle winters are COLD. Avoid the dreaded argument with your housemates about leaving the heating on overnight – you won’t win (and tbh we take their side, it’s too expensive).
You need layers – we’re talking electric blankets, throws, winter duvets. Hell, get an Oodie if the loan can take the hit. A mattress topper is an absolute MUST if you have a solid bed base that came complete with stains on move-in day.
A fluffy rug
If you’re lucky enough to have a carpeted room, this won’t be a top priority, but defo is if you’ve got a wooden floor. Rugs work as cheap decor to cover old student house carpets and keep your feet warm in the process.
Plus, rolling out of bed to a cold floor is not the one. If you haven’t already got the white IKEA rug then are you really a student? See below for said carpet.
Desk organisation
Your room will look 10x better with a tidy desk. We’re officially at the age where asking for a monitor for Christmas is the norm in order to upgrade your desk setup but hey – that’s ok.
Little decorations and trinkets are good to make the area look a little less depressing and locating your desk in front of a window are good for natural light and fresh air while you hole yourself in your room during exam season.