You know you’re married-at-uni when…
Sometimes, relationships at Uni get excessively intimate. Much too intimate…
Valentines day is finally over but love is still in the air.
Then again, let’s face it, love is always in the air at university. A hot bed for romance where there are roughly 25,000 intelligent, like-minded individuals around your own age…relationships both good and bad are inevitable.
But once you’ve had a satisfyingly rebellious (but not ridiculous) number of one night stands and found some that avoids all of these turn offs, it’s possible that you may have found your university spouse.
Married-at-uni: (adjective)
A couple who are dating at university and, although they have exchanged zero vows, act like an old married couple and LOVE IT.
Synonyms: inseparable, smug couple, Lenton lovers.
Does this describe your relationship? Better check against these to make sure.
You know you’re married at uni when…
1. You’ve turned up in your PJ’s to your boyfriend/girlfriend’s house
2. There are new objects slowly moving into your bathroom.
Look out, the bathroom now has a king.
3. ….and your fridge.
Lime pickle. What even is lime pickle?
4. …and your bedroom.
Ok I can’t get mad about the slippers, they are adorable.
5. You know each other’s timetables by heart.
Wait, are these my modules or yours?
6. You’ve both found a common obsession with a TV show and it is probably what about 99.9% of your conversations about.
Unspoken rule that neither of you speak when this Breaking Bad is on.
7. The other 0.1% are about food.
Also no speaking when eating.
8. This is your reaction to PDAs
9. You secretly have no idea what Tinder is but pretend to fit in with the cool single people
I thought Tinder was that new Ke$ha song…?
10. You on a night out before you met you uni spouse
You on a night out after you met your uni spouse
11. You’ve farted in front of each other. And rated them out of ten.
12. You’ve shared a shower in a completely non-sexual way, you just both have a 9am and ain’t nobody got time to wait.
13. You’ve planned a holiday together that you both cannot afford but you feel like grown ups in a relationship and that’s what grown ups do.
“lol we can’t afford dis.”
14. Making an effort is for date night only. SWEATPANTS EVERYWHERE.
15. This is the height of uni romance
Roses are red, vodka is clear, poetry is lame, got you some flowers, here.