Students aren’t poor, we just waste our money
If you’re going to complain about having no money as a student, it’s probably time to stop wasting it, says Bryony Latham.
These are some common annoying phrases heard around uni:
“It’s just so damp in the house as we can’t afford to put the heating on…”
“My Daddy didn’t send me enough money to live off this month… I’m poor.”
“I only buy Tesco value or Sainsbury’s basics…”, said whilst frowning at me spooning Heinz onto my toast.
All over campus, students feel the need to bond over how poor they are. Even if you do actually believe that your life sucks whilst you’re spending three to four years with the best friends you will ever make, going out every week but having to drag yourself to on average six contact hours a week at uni, can’t you find something positive to brag about?
There’s nothing worse than a pity party over how poor you feel. I would much rather hear an arrogant “BNOC” boasting about their highly inspirational lifestyle and find myself getting a tad jealous than listen to a grumpy student who’s taking the best years of their life completely for granted.
In my view, we’re all equally guilty of wasting our money on the same predictably tame nights out and takeaways on the standard occasion that we can’t be bothered to whip up a bowl of spag bol. Instead of moaning about the lack of money that students manage to save, I suggest that you either spend less on the rubbish that makes you feel naff and more on the parts that will inadvertently make a great difference to your life, like heating.
There’s something suspicious about these scenarios but everyone knows someone that pays for a bicycle, car or bus pass when they are fully capable of walking only 30 minutes to campus.
Yet they still stand by the notion that it really is worth the money even though they probably get sweatier worrying about getting a seat on the bus than I do striding to uni and back.
Or how about the friends that didn’t think twice about buying a £69 ticket to whatever ball or gala is cool right now. Have you been brainwashed? The food at Lidl is more value for money, dear. Take a trip there once in a while and you’d be amazed.
Then there’s someone who suspiciously runs out of money every time the bills are due but they still manage to get parcels delivered to the house weekly. And you know it can’t be new clothes because they like to show off their latest outfits. What’s in those parcels?!
And of course there’s the person who insisted at the start of the year on buying a £199 Golden gym membership because then the gym classes, swimming pool and gym is free. It’s not free. You paid for that, you nonce, and when was the last time you even went?
Oh, and what about the student who within the same few minutes of chitter chatter manages to drop in the fact they never have any money, but makes the mistake of telling you all about their impressively expensive travelling plans for the summer? I wish there was a lump sum of cash waiting for me at the end of the uni year to pay for my holidays… This just doesn’t add up.
These are only some of the many ways that students decide to waste their loans or pocket money. I don’t particularly mind that people spend it like there’s a hole in their pockets, but what does drive me mad is the persistence that many students have in exhibiting their inability to handle finances throughout everyday conversations.
This article was originally published on The Tab Nottingham.