Notts in GIFs: Made in Chelsea/Game of Thrones special

Game of Thrones AND Made in Chelsea back on our screens in the same week?! This is too much

Easter holidays are nearly here!

There’s going to be plenty of alcohol

And awkward conversations with distant family members

But don’t forget that dissertation

And exams

You can’t let anyone get in your way

You must be ruthless in your hunt for library books

What if someone took the last copy of the one book you need?

And Moodle crashed before you could download your revision notes?

Someone just told you that Hallward isn’t open 24/7 in the holidays

And that your exams will be three hours long

At least you’re totally ready. You don’t even need to revise

And you borrowed some great notes from your friend. They must be perfect

But then you finally find a past paper, and see the first question

And realise that you will be getting a 2:2 after all

There’s always that one friend who tells you how much they have revised

Oh well, it’ll all be over soon!

And you’ll have time to repair some broken relationships

And party really fucking hard

But don’t get TOO excited

It just ends badly. For everyone.

And ruins everything you have worked so hard to fix

But, then again… when the booze is flowing, curiosity isn’t the only thing which is aroused

Before you know it, it will be happening

Instant regret.